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歡迎進入這里的各界人士,您好,我是SVS®品牌的創始人之一,首先在這里感謝各界朋友對國產品牌產品的關注和青睞,特別感謝多年來,支持民族企業,購買和使用SVS®產品的各界人士,我真誠的希望大家能更好的支持民族企業,支持我們SVS®品牌,我們堅信,我們的服務能讓你們滿意,我們一直在努力縮短與進口產品品質差距,敬請大家拭目以待,也請大家提出寶貴的意見和建議, 公司歷經市場競爭錘煉,始終秉承“質量第一、信譽為本、精心服務、顧客至上”的發展方針,團結拼搏,求真務實,多元化發展。


Statement by the representative of the factory

Hello, honored guests and friends, many thanks for your attention. As one of the founders of SVS®, I feel great honor to have your attention and say hello to all the people who focus on China-made products, and particularly thanks for the various field friends who support our national enterprises, purchase and use SVS®products years to now. I do believe and hope that we can support national enterprises more, support SVS®, we also firmly believe that our service make you satisfied with ongoing effort to shorten the gap between the quality of imported products, during these process, your kindly  valuable comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

SVS company came over market competition, and always adhering to the "good quality, credit-oriented, kind services and customer first" to develop, and encourage all the staff to do a team work, to be pragmatic and pluralistic.

For Foshan Xin Yu Electronics Co., Ltd, it mainly research and make SVS® products. Factories has the Management Dep., Manufacturing Dep., Material Control Dep., R & D, QC Dep. and Finance Dep., all the departments do their duties and cooperate with each other, fully compliance with ISO90001 management system to ensure a sustainable development of the product.



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